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20 Amazing Career Paths That You Never Thought Of

amazing career paths

amazing career paths

20 Amazing Career Paths

There are so many amazing career paths out there that most students and even parents don’t know about. Everybody always wants to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer, or pharmacist. But, if you compare the time spent, money spent, job security, and pay scale to the interesting career paths outlined below, you will see that these are often the better paths to go into. I personally wanted to become a doctor – but not to practice – rather, to teach at medical schools. I enjoy teaching and I enjoy medicine. I’m still on this career path. However, after spending 250K and over 4 years of time in medical school, I do wonder if it was worth it. To go into a quarter of a million dollars in debt to have a rewarding career sounds ludicrous when you think about it.

My parents were never tech savvy and didn’t do a lot of research. They, very stereotypically, wanted me to become a doctor and that’s all. The career paths outlined below were never mentioned once to me by the councillors or teachers at my high school. It’s always bothered me that no one ever really helps guide your career path and a lot of it is left up to the student to find out on his or her own. Another thing that bothers me is that all through our education, we are told that we NEED a university education. Now I’m not saying that it’s not important, but I am saying that it’s not mandatory to be successful, have a rewarding career, and make good money. So many people just think that if they don’t get a 4-year degree, they will be nothing in life. That is just not true.

Here are some great career paths that you should do further research on if they intrigue you. Some of them require you to have University/College and others don’t. A few require a Master’s degree. None of these career paths will put you in an insane amount of debt. They all pay well and they are all rewarding and challenging careers with great job outlooks for the future.

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Description: A perfusionist, also known as a clinical perfusionist or a cardiovascular perfusionist, is a specialized healthcare professional who uses the heart-lung machine during cardiac surgery and cardiac-related surgeries to manage the patient’s physiological status.


Speech Pathologist

Description: Speech-language pathologists are highly-educated professionals who have a minimum of a master’s degree in their field.  As in any health-care related profession, S-LPs are required to study anatomy and physiology, but they also study neuroanatomy, genetics, human and language development, linguistics, psychology, acoustics and more, which is why they are qualified to evaluate, diagnose (restricted in some provinces/territories) and treat a broad range of delays and disorders.

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Description: Sonographer, also known as ultrasound technologist, is a specialised healthcare worker who performs diagnostic medical sonography, or diagnostic ultrasound.


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