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6 Eco-Friendly Home Technologies


It seems like green living is constantly gaining momentum. And this doesn’t come as much of a surprise since the technology keeps advancing and we see new eco-friendly devices being released on a regular basis. If you want to make your home more environmentally-friendly, there are plenty of new green gadgets you might want to get. Here are six of them that can transform your home into a real eco-friendly abode.

1. Smart thermostat

The smart thermostat is an important part of every eco-friendly home. If you decide to install one of these in your home, you’ll be able to have full control of the temperature in it, no matter where you are. A smart thermostat can be controlled through your smartphone, which means you’ll be able to turn on heating on your way from work. This means you won’t have to leave your heating devices on 24/7 and therefore, you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint by far. When it comes to installation, we recommend having experts deal with it for you.

2. Water clock

If you keep a clock on your desk you might want to think about replacing it with a water clock. This little thing needs nothing but water to run and works just like a regular clock. All you need to do is pour water in the space provided and the mechanism will do all the work, displaying the time on a small LCD screen. You don’t have to worry about forgetting to refill the clock since it’ll alert you when it’s time to do so. A single refill is enough for the clock to work even up to 14 weeks.


3. Home automation system

Installing a home automation system is a great idea for every homeowner out there. A CBus can control your lighting, audio/visual entertainment systems, security and so on. Relying on a system like this means you’ll be able to make your home more functional and save both time and money. Not to mention that your home will be safer since it’ll always look as if someone was home. If you decide to automate your home, you’ll need to turn to experienced CBus installers who’ll get the job done for you.

4. Energy conserving TV

Your TV is one of the appliances you’ll be using quite often. That said, you’d probably want to buy a TV that’s been specifically designed to save energy. Luckily, there’s a whole range of Energy Star televisions you can choose from. Samsung, Panasonic, Sony, JVC, and LG are just some of the brands that produce green TVs. Most of their green TVs come with a power saving mode that allows you to limit peak light output. Also, with new eco-friendly TVs, standby power has been drastically reduced, which means your TV won’t consume much energy when not in full operation.

5. Green sprinklers

If you want to go green, you simply have to be more conscious about your water consumption. And one of the best ways to do this is to get green sprinklers for your home. These can be controlled by a remote controller and can help you lower your water consumption significantly. According to some reports, homeowners who use remote control sprinklers tend to use 30% less water than those who don’t. Moreover, these sprinklers have the ability to turn on automatically in case of a fire in order to ensure the flames don’t spread to neighboring properties.

Also, Read: Keeping PACE with Home Technology

6. Low-flow showerhead

We’ve already talked about reducing water consumption, but going for eco-friendly sprinklers isn’t the only way to do so. We all tend to consume a lot of water when taking a shower but there’s a gadget that can help. Low-flow showerheads are specifically designed to help you conserve water and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t think about installing one of these. Not only that a low-flow showerhead will help you reduce your water consumption, but it’ll also help you save energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Some of these even have a timer that reminds you when it’s time to wrap it up.

No matter which of these gadgets you opt for, you’ll be making your home greener. Make sure you keep an eye on new eco-friendly gadgets that are yet to be released since some of them might just be exactly what your home needs.