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6 simple ways to do what you want

6 simple ways to do what you want

In an organization, what makes one person stand out from another?

Why do we like some people and not others? Why so some people attract confidence and others don’t?

First of all, it’s not about the person; rather HOW the person fits within the organizational context. HOW the individual expresses their uniqueness while contributing to the priorities and values of the organization.
Doing what you want while adding ZERO value to where the team is going earns nothing on the person’s individual score card.

Also, Read: once you’ve landed a job how can you succeed?

The trick is to identify relevant and unique VALUE that you have that will enable your organization to achieve its strategic goals.

Relevant – value that addresses critical business issues.

Unique – value that only YOU have to give.

I have suggested the personal ONLY statement as a tool you can use to sort this out and to stake your unique competitive claim.

“I am the ONLY one that….” is an effective way of defining your thing.

Here are some “things” that are critical in terms of organizational success. How many do possess?

1. Distinctive knowledge required to execute your strategy.

2. Unique experience in implementing programs that will “breathe life” into your strategy.

3. A network of connections you can draw on for help and to fill any “competency gaps” you have.

4. Your drive to get stuff done. It ain’t about the plan; it’s about EXECUTION.

5. Love of humans. People get stuff done. Customers are people. You must be an 11/10 in loving people.

6. Ability to focus on the critical FEW things that will deliver 80% of your strategy. Time and resources are scarce.
Can you sift through the potential many things that could be done and land on 3 things that will create the most success?

You aren’t born with your “thing”.

You must develop it based on what is required for your organization to succeed.