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7 Reasons Why Coding Skills are Important for Organisations Worldwide

7 Reasons Why Coding Skills are Important for Organisations Worldwide

The digital revolution has made a drift towards a whole new world of the internet. The businesses that existed locally initially have created their presence online with eBay, Shopify, Flipkart, Amazon and tons of eCommerce websites. Online presence has become core to businesses to become Accessible, Increase Sales and Gain New Customers. 

The internet has even opened new doors for the technological era companies such as Affiliate marketing, Blogging, SEO consultants, Influencers, and so many more. The digital content market is expected to grow up to 397,390$ million dollars by the end of 2026, according to PRNewswire.

Coding is often the most used and popularised word in recent times. It is the skill of the 21st century. It is even one of the most lucrative and highly paid jobs in the current market scenario. The internet boom requires people who understand the in and out of technology to make it accessible to the people. In simpler terms, coding is all about the ability to talk in computer language. 

Coding is not limited to people who can code in a particular language but has a lot more to it. Today, there exists more code related job profiles then anytime in human history. There are web designers, UI/UX engineers, backend developers, data engineers, data scientists, frontend developers, SEO specialists, and the list is endless.

Product and service-based organisations rely entirely on their software to be the product; they are often termed as Saas (Software as a Service). Almost all major organisations nowadays are hiring coding related job profiles. Ever wondered why so? Here are the top reasons that prove coding skills can help organisations. 

1.    Increase Tech Literacy

Coding skills help in developing tech literacy and open a new world of opportunities for you. In a business where everything starts from zero, coding allows you to interact deeper with the latest technology so that your business can get more benefits from it.

2.    Expand the Business

CEOs of global companies like Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg started as coders. They then progressed with business development. Coding can be beneficial in making technology decisions for building robust business strategies. They all turned their ideas into reality using their coding skills which made them billionaires. It is worth investing time in learning to code for a secure future. 

3.    Be In-Demand

Tech organisations are looking for the right talent in technology. They are crying out for good developers and standing out in the market. If you choose technology for your organisation, it will benefit the business. New technologies are coming into the market every day. Organisations need to be adaptive and stay relevant in the market.

4.    Establish Communication

If you know to code, you can at least communicate with the developers in your team. APIs, libraries, platforms, algorithms will be enough to make sense to you. It will help other developers also make you understand what the particular piece of code is exactly doing. The knowledge of coding also makes you have realistic expectations of the technology. As a business leader, you should be aware of both your capabilities and limitations.

5.    Keep business running

You must be hearing recently about Google being down for 45 minutes, Facebook and Instagram down for some minutes. These are companies that solely rely on their codebase, as previously stated. These businesses have coding as the biggest asset. It is the heart and soul of the core operations as the code itself is the product. The code needs handling by expert engineers and coders since even a short downtime can cost the business loss of millions of dollars.

Also, read: Inspiration To Start A Business As A Student

6.    Be the Problem Solver

Modern problems require modern solutions. In business, everything is built from zero. Coding helps to develop critical thinking, which lets you solve essential business problems at a deeper level.  For any organisation, dealing with real-world issues is a common task. Coding develops critical thinking, which enables you to solve problems efficiently, taking pros and cons into consideration. Therefore, it improves decision-making and problem-solving abilities.

 7.    Understand Latest Trend

Technology is the latest ongoing trend in the world. From creating virtual games to autonomous vehicles, technology is at the apex. Organisations are now focussing more on technology. The time is not far when robots and humans will co-exist.  For example, earlier data was managed on the hard files, then on computers.  More than one employee was required to handle all the data. In the latest, organisations hire data analysts to analyse and manage the company’s data. Technology is reducing human efforts and involvement. Organisations need to match up with the latest trends around the globe otherwise might be left behind in the market.

Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are the future of society. The way they are evolving, it is probable they will dominate globally and serve us in all life phases – from healthcare to education, entertainment and the business sectors. Although the road is still challenging, ML and AI will solve various business problems. ML can do data entry, financial analysis, predictive maintenance, detect spam, and much more for a business. It can even give product suggestions according to market trends. Isn’t it amazing?  The knowledge of coding is crucial for organisations now and can take businesses to greater heights.


Coding improves productivity and creativity. It will bring profits to organisations in the long run. Coding has a bright future and can prove to be a rewarding career path. The versatility and variety of job roles related to coding make it an even interesting choice. There are multinational companies (MNCs) and startups, always looking for the best coders and problem solvers.