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Crucial Tips for Students About Applying to MBA Programs

statement of purpose mba

Applying to do your MBA is stressful and a lot of students work hard to get through the process. There are some requirements and methods you have to follow in order to give yourself a chance. You can be denied access to a program just based on small technicalities. It can easily be avoided by following a few simple rules. Everyone spends a lot of time with their statement of purpose MBA and it is understandable. You just have to find the balance between all the other requirements. Here are some of the best tips to get your acceptance letter.

Also, read: All you need to know to combine high education with your dream job

Get started

You really want to give yourself an opportunity to do this right. Start as soon as you receive all the information and documents. There is always the chance of something delaying the process. Have some room to play with. You will have better results in your MBA sop if you don’t leave it till the last minute.

Read through everything

There is a lot of information you can find online. Check out the institution’s website to inform yourself about the application process. You can save yourself a lot of time if you go in prepared. Don’t waste time on unnecessary details and instead focus on what is relevant.

Take a trip

If you are close enough to the institution, you should take a trip and check out the school. Spend some time talking to current MBA students and get a feel for what they are going through. You want to choose a program that is in line with your goals. It is always advisable to get some first-hand experience before you commit.

GMAT Studying

Get your exam date and start studying as soon as possible. Do not underestimate the value of these results. You want to put this on the top of your priority list as it is an important part of your application. Do not attempt to get all of this information into your head in a short amount of time. There is no cramming here.

Get your CV done

You want to present yourself in the most professional manner as possible. Your CV will be a reflection of what you have achieved in your career. Definitely, do not add any false information to make it look more appealing. You want to be honest and provide facts wherever possible.

Statement of Purpose

Be clear about what the requirements are for the statement of purpose. A Berkeley statement of purpose might be different from other schools. You need to write the best essay of your life. This is one of the biggest deciding factors, so you need to treat it that way. Make sure you sound professional in your SOP but always be yourself. All programs are looking for certain types of candidates. Research this beforehand and adapt your essay with this information.


Speak to the individuals you want recommendations from ahead of time. You want to make sure that it is written with your goals in mind. If you fail to do this, the recommendations could do you more harm than good. Also, make sure that you will receive these letters on time. People are busy and need a little reminder or push to get it done.

Be authentic

Keep in mind that a lot of applications are sent through. What makes yours different? You want to stand out for the right reasons. Be as authentic as you possibly can. Highlight the areas that differentiate you from the other pile of applicants. Everyone is trying to do the same thing, but your authentic self might be exactly what the school is looking for.


We always hear that there is no right or wrong way to do something. In this case, there is. You need to get as much information as you possibly can. Then you want to apply it to the application process. Have a list of requirements next to you. Check these while you are doing your application. Manage your time effectively to get it down ahead of time. You do not want to be phoning around for recommendation letters the day before the deadline. Planning ahead will help you hand in your best application.