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How technology is influencing the future of education

How technology is influencing the future of education


Per se, technology has an important role in today’s educational context. For example, technology plays major role in equipping student community to crack the nut of tough competition. In the field of education, technology is useful in teaching and learning. Nowadays, some schools are ready to discard traditional mode of teaching and to conduct experimentation with technologically advanced teaching methods. For example, traditional mode of writer exams will be transformed into online exams, valuated papers and grades published or send directly via email. So, technology has a bright future in the field of education in future. Some of the possibilities of technology in education are indicated and dealt with below.

Social media:

It is noteworthy that modern education does not insist students to go before mere bookish knowledge. To be specific, knowledge can be acquired from other sources, especially, social media. One need not misunderstand that the one and only usefulness of social media is to connect people. Instead, students can transform social media groups into discussion groups based on interest in different subjects. The teachers, professors or the person who have in-depth knowledge in a particular field can post their thoughts and ideas in these groups and interact with students and can clear their doubts without any delay. Also, the students can follow the thoughts and ideas of their educators and learn from it.

Innovative gadgets:

Today, schools and colleges with modern outlook distribute less textbooks to their student community. This is due to the fact that schools and colleges are aware of the fact that students can have more than one source to acquire knowledge. Besides, a book published for an academic year cannot be updated within that specific academic year. On the other side, students can gain access to the internet and update their knowledge from different websites and educational portals. One can see that students who are able to be in touch with innovative gadgets can go beyond the limits of text books, and it helps them to be smarter and competitive.

Global learning:

Modern education is showing rapid progress because it does not limit the scope of learning within classrooms or school complexes. To be specific, today, most of the schools and colleges are ready provide students with instant to access technology. Today technology is also useful for the students who are with special needs. For example, brail machines are useful for visually challenged children. There are many useful sites like, to help students to learn their preferred languages by setting up a native speaker from another nation, and attend the classes via internet. Learning from a native speaker helps the students to assume the language in its full form without any confusion. Being exposed to a different culture, students can change their attitude itself.

           In short, innovative aspects of technology like social media, innovative gadgets, and global learning will be the torchbearers of education in future. Each and every student in the modern world are expected to grab this opportunity from schools/colleges, and need to shrink into the shells of bookish knowledge.