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How to Keep Your Computer Lasting Longer

Computers have the functionality to perform a whole host of vital tasks, and although you may get attached to your PC, unfortunately, they don’t last forever. Over time computers can begin to slow down and deteriorate through the high amount of use they experience and can eventually get damaged and become inoperable.

This is annoying because replacing what was a perfectly fine computer can be a pretty expensive purchase, so to help you save money and prolong the lifespan of your PC, here are some tips that can help you keep your computer lasting longer.

Keep Things Up to Date

The main reason why a PC may experience slowdown is that it hasn’t been kept updated, which means that it may be using old hardware and software to perform tasks and use applications that they might not have been designed for.

To help get the most out of your computer’s lifespan, be sure to keep the operating system and anti-virus updated, as this will not only help keep it running smoothly but will also best protect it from recent viruses and malware.

Some hardware components that are worth replacing include your hard drive, which should be replaced with a solid-state drive due to it’s greater durability, speed, and quietness, as well as RAM, which is the critical component to a faster and more responsive PC. There are also various other components that you can replace to help make your PC work better, such as d-sub connectors, fans, and GPUs.

Care for Your Devices

A well looked after and clean device is one that’s more likely to last longer. You want to keep your computers both physically and also digitally tidy. This means that you shouldn’t overload your PC with tons of unneeded files and data, as this can slow down your computer’s overall functionality. It’s worth going through your files and deleting anything that you don’t need and hasn’t been opened in a while, as this can increase your storage, just be sure not to delete any crucial system files.

You also want to keep the physical hardware clean, as dirt, food residue, and dust could accelerate the deterioration process. Dust can clog up a computer’s cooling system and fan, making it more likely to overheat. Solve this by turning your PC off and blowing compressed air inside it to clean the fan and other internal parts.

Protect it

You don’t want your computers becoming inoperable simply because of an accident. To help ensure that you don’t go through this issue, there are various things you can do to keep the likelihood of accidents low. The first is to avoid eating and drinking near your device, as spilling this stuff can cause water damage to the computer and its internal components.

You also want to invest in a surge protector, which stops your computer from being exposed to super high current and voltage due to a power surge. For laptops and portable computers, be sure to travel with it in a protective case, as this can be a good defense against drops and bumps.