Hacks & TricksStudent Corner

Sure, You Study Smart. But Are You Eating Smart Too?

Sure, You Study Smart. But Are You Eating Smart Too?

Studying is a hard time for the best of us. We may well know how to ace a techie test, but it doesn’t stop us from panicking along the way. It’s important when we’re working hard to sustain ourselves and keep up our energy levels – and food comes into this in a number of ways.

Food Matters

First things first – look to science. When you skip meals, you’re unable to concentrate and your productivity suffers. Eating sensible meals at regular intervals helps you avoid unnecessary snacking and calorie overload. Aim to meet your daily nutrient requirements and get all of your vitamins; you’ll be amazed at the difference this makes. Iron and Vitamin B are great options for maintaining your energy levels, and you’ll also want to stay hydrated.

There are even certain foods that are better for your brain. Berries, bananas, oily fish and deep green veggies are among them.


Also, read: 8 Useful Products for Better Concentration and Memory

Of course, you must not skip breakfast. They’re really not lying when they say that it’s the most important meal of the day. It improves memory and concentration, and studies say cognitive function improves as well as students’ grades. 

Reward Yourself For Hard Work

It’s all very well eating a balanced diet, but when you have other things to focus on, you do need to give yourself little treats here and there as well. It’s very tempting to pack up the books and head on out for dinner, but you don’t want to interrupt yourself in the middle of a good study sesh. Ordering takeout is a really good compromise, meaning you get something that little bit special without the trek.

Deliveroo has an array of different options from your favorite local restaurants; you can read an extensive list of curries, pasta dishes, and pizzas to keep you and your friends full. You can eat it at home or in a study space, so you don’t need to stop when you’re on a roll.

Credits: “Pizza_052” (CC BY-SA 2.0) by rob_rob2001

Break your work into manageable chunks with clear targets. When you hit one, that’s when it’s time to open the ordering app.

Social Studying

Sometimes you get stuck in a rut sat in your apartment or dorm room all day, and there are those days when the library is simply TOO quiet. Heading to a local cafe with friends is an ideal study plan for a group session without the distractions of home.

Study to your heart’s content, but remember that you’re using a business as your premises. That means you’ll want to buy some food from them while you’re there. Sugary snacks are great for a short-term boost (as is caffeine), but their effects aren’t always ideal and don’t always last. Check out the coffee shop’s range of savoury items as well as a more balanced approach.

Plus, the familiar smell of coffee not only wakes you up, but it reminds you that there are worse things in the world than cramming for exams.

No matter how you choose to fuel your studies, remember that – while vital – food isn’t actually the most important thing. Now back to what really matters… your computers and those books. Good luck!

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