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Why Creative Destruction is a Good Thing in this Technological Era

Creative Destruction in the IT Sector

If you work within the IT or tech industries, then you know the reality of creative destruction better than a lot of people. When you have an emergency with your computer systems, you don’t want to schedule an appointment for a technician to come sometime in the next week to fix your problem. You want to be able to call and have an expert talk you through what to do right then and there.

Photo Credits: designteam brussel via Flickr

In this way, it’s easy to see that creative destruction in the IT sector has already made the significant positive impact, as outsourced IT service has become the norm.

If you are wondering what creative destruction even means, Wikipedia explains that the concept refers to how industry and capitalism move forward. New practices and innovations are developed, such that some companies and processes fall to the side and are replaced.



This is the inevitable cycle of growth as new ideas come into play that changes everything. It’s especially true of the IT sector because new technologies are always being developed. Because of this, new ways to market, install, update, service, and use those technologies must also come into existence.

Join the Movement or Get Left Behind

As industries grow and change, what the public needs from that industry also changes. TechTarget cites the smartphone as an example of creative destruction at work. When people had rotary phones, they didn’t need their phone to send text messages. They didn’t need their phone to take pictures, record audio, or allow them to access their bank account.  Yet, anyone who buys a cell phone now would consider all of those, and more, as standard features. The same standard goes for the IT sector.

Michael Leonidas, CEO of NIC, a firm that specializes in outsourced IT services in the Los Angeles area, says, “Clients don’t want their IT service provider to simply solve problems after they arise, they want it to stop problems from happening with proactive measures.”

It might seem easy for a Los Angeles IT services company to avoid outsourcing because they want to stay connected with people, but refusing to provide services that have become the standard will only hold businesses back. A company that does not continually look to the evolving needs of its consumers will not last long in our fast paced society of technological advancement. While professionals and entrepreneurs may not want to jump on the bandwagon of untested technologies and practices, failing to do so may leave them behind the early adopters who may benefit from being first.

Increasing Your Standard of Security

Photo Credits: Mark Watson via Flickr

As The New York Times explains, new systems are created which move society forward, while simultaneously destroying the systems that are already in place. The evolution of information technology is a perfect example of the creative destruction theory.

Each new form of cyber security lands a painful blow to the one before it. As we move forward, the groundbreaking advancements of the past are constantly becoming obsolete, and those who prosper are the ones willing to push forward.


Before the age of constant security breaches at the hands of hackers, individuals and corporations didn’t worry as much about their online security systems. Now there is an ever-present threat to your personal information, your money, and even your identity. It’s more important than ever that creative destruction wipes out security methods which are no longer useful.

The businesses and individuals that prosper and grow are the ones who are not afraid to adopt new technologies that will move them forward. All growth transforms, replaces, or shapes what already exists. In the internet age, creative destruction means wiping out old ways of communicating. It means always looking for new ways to market your business. And it means knowing about threats to your security and keeping up with the latest ways to protect yourself.

When creative destruction works in your favor to grow your business by enhancing your protection, it is a very good thing indeed.