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Blogging in 2018 Is More Than Just Writing Blog Posts

word changer

Are you thinking of joining the blogosphere? The vast number of existing blogs in your niche, i.e., if you already have one, is daunting. Alternatively, you have been blogging for a while and can’t see any success and returns, for your efforts.

On a single day, millions of blogs are published. While the quality of your content is essential in gaining more traffic to your site, with the increased competition, you need to do more than writing posts. If you already have a proper word changer to use for your blog posts, you should consider incorporating the below tips to your blogging strategy:

• Develop and Document Your Strategy

It’s not easy to write a post every single day. There will be days when giving up on your site is appealing than having to write content. Without a content strategy, you are likely to succumb to the urges.

Readers can get confused by a sporadic posting of content. Data from a HubSpot Survey shows that a marketer is likely to see a positive ROI of 13% if they make blogging a priority. The benchmark of the number of posts for each month is more than 16 posts.

To start on your blogging strategy, generate blog topics for the coming month. You can use an Idea Generator for that. Schedule time to write them, and stick to it.

• Find Your Niche

Now, you are keen on starting your blog and have a tool that paraphrases sentences, in hand, what next? A niche will guide you in what you can write about. If you aren’t sure what it is, you can consider the things or topics that intrigue your interest.

Your passion is also an excellent place to start. Ideally, you shouldn’t opt for an area that’s saturated. Not unless you have a unique perspective that you can bring on board. Next, you need to define your readers.

Also, Read: Writing an Article vs. Writing a Blog Post

Ensure that your material meets the needs or piques the interest of your target audience. Purpose to add value to the lives of your readers. It will keep them coming back for more. Share compelling content that will entice readers to share them.

• Publish Valuable Content

Sometimes, you may run out of ideas for the next blog post. How do you get out of this quagmire? Think like a reader, what would you want to read about on your site? Interview an expert within your niche.

He or she may provide insight into a topic that’s yet to be discussed. Stay current with the issues happening in your niche. Identify the popular keywords in the industry. Find out the problems related to the keywords and write on that.

Browse through Q&A site and related forums for questions in the industry. You can check out Quora, too, or Yahoo Answers. Provide a better solution to the issues faced, and questions posed.

• Go Mobile

You write well, have a considerable following, and your readers love your work. Many people today own smartphones, and they use it mostly to access the internet, at 80%. Think about optimizing your blog for mobile users.

When looking for the ideal WordPress theme, go for one that’s responsive. Also, you can optimize your site with the right plugin. It will help you in your SEO ranking, not just the reword this sentence service.

Mobile users should be able to navigate around the site with ease. If you include outbound links in your content, they should be mobile friendly. Check to see if your social media icons are functioning correctly on mobile, too.

• Consider Long-form Content

On average, most bloggers publish posts that are slightly above 1000 words. You need to keep your readers engaged, and that’s a struggle for many in the blogging industry. Ensure that you publish content that makes you proud.

If it doesn’t do so, then, the same may translate to your readers. A long-form piece will increase leads and drive traffic to your site, compared to shorter posts. Repurpose content by condensing them into one long piece.

Don’t just copy paste, from one content to another. Add new tips and data to the content. Provide actionable tips for solving the problem you are addressing.

• Connect with others

How you use social media can also influence the success of your blog. Engage the audience on social media. Let them know what you are up to. Publish posts on a regular basis.

Respond to the comments, emails, and messages sent to you. Join a community of other bloggers and collaborate with them.


Being successful in blogging requires more than just publishing posts. You have to have a strategy and stick to it. Plan for writing your content and the right time to publish.

Remember to engage other players in the industry, and don’t forget your audience.