
Flow Coating – An Essential Part Of Industrial Maintenance

Industrial maintenance is one of the crucial factors in running a safe and efficient facility. There are many methodologies and management strategies that are used across the world – the ultimate aim to keep work environments secure and equipment functioning at an optimal level. Dealing with the challenges of unique shapes and materials is an everyday affair for the coating expert.

Flow Coating – Achieve Compliance And Best Performance

Why is coating so important in the larger picture? Bill Johnson from Utility Service ( says that because we are so dependent on electricity, any power outage or service disruption causes many problems. This indeed explains why we need the services.

So What Is Flow Coating

Flow coating simply explained, is the process where the surface of an industrial component is sprayed with paint, lacquer and other custom materials to result in a uniform finish. Flow coating is preferred by many industries as it reduces waste – the coating material that drips off a surface is used in the process again. It uses less material than other coating methods such as dip coating and hence is economically viable.

One of the biggest obstacles in a coating job is the inaccessibility of certain surfaces. Coating experts are armed with the latest equipment and machinery to deal with the nitty-gritty of addressing uneven and complex surfaces and components. From delicate lenses to wooden frames, this application has found a place.

Because flow coating can be applied to large components, it reduces the need to disassemble equipment, a procedure that might be unavoidable if you are using dip coating.

Why Do You Need Flow Coating?

If you are managing an industrial facility or involved in the production of articles that require weather-resistant and clear surfaces, then flow coating is a solution that will immensely benefit you. In fact, if there is an activity that involves automated painting, flow coating is often considered the most effective way to get things done quickly.

Which Industries Can Benefit From High-Quality Coating Services?

Maintenance includes age-old practices and innovation – it is a money saver and it creates a positive work environment. The automotive industry and related sectors use flow coating and similar techniques. Electric and power plants often need maintenance and installation which requires fresh coats to be applied.

The complex equipment requires a lot of expertise to handle and coating experts must have the know-how of the machinery before they start a coating project. The petrochemical industry also utilizes flow coating to maintain and extend the life of the equipment. Water treatment plants also require coating work along with oil and gas production and processing plants. Some of the common equipment that needs periodical cleaning and coating include transformers, high voltage insulators, and other essential substation installations.

Use Certified Service Providers

Flow coating requires expertise and well-trained individuals. When you are reaching out to a service provider, ensure that all certifications are in place.

Some of the key compliance organizations and standards include OSHA, ISNetworld, and BASICPlus. Coating companies should reflect these safety and compliance credentials. The best coating company offers not only the core service but consult with facility managers to find the best possible course of action.

Maintenance is indispensable in continuing essential industrial operations while maintaining safety. The coating is the unsung superhero, preventing disasters and increasing productivity. Choose the experts – reduce waste and turnover time and expect a perfect clean-up and finish.